Group Channel

Group Channel allows users to chat privately in small groups.

A group channel is private conversation. Access to the channel requires invitation from already existing group participants. It is an ideal fit for a small group to discuss a topic privately. Also, it is suitable for direct exchange of chat messages between two users.

Creating a Group Channel

You may create a group channel in your Android app with the help of create() function of our GroupChannel class.

GroupChannel.create(CHANNEL_NAME, PARTICIPANTS_LIST, IS_DISTINCT, new GroupChannel.CreateListener() {
  public void onResult(GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
	    // New group channel has been created.
  • CHANNEL_NAME is a string and represents name of your group channel.
  • PARTICIPANTS_LIST is an array of type String[] containing the user IDs.
  • IS_DISTINCT is a boolean and determines if a new group channel should be created for the same participants. You can set this boolean to true in order to reuse existing channel for same set of participants.

Creating One to One Private Chat

One to One Chat is a special case of Group Channel. If a group channel has 2 participants, then it is a one to one private chat. It is also recommended to use IS_DISTINCT option as true for one to one chat. It will ensure that there is always a single channel between 2 users and there are no duplicates.

GroupChannel.create(CHANNEL_NAME, [CURRENT_USER_ID, SECOND_PARTICIPANT_ID], true, new GroupChannel.CreateListener() {
  public void onResult(GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
	    // New group channel has been created.
  • CHANNEL_NAME is a string and represents the name of your group channel.
  • CURRENT_USER_ID is the user id of the current user who is starting one to one chat.
  • SECOND_PARTICIPANT_ID is the user id with which the current user is starting chatting with.

Getting the list of all my group channels

To retrieve the list of all group channels of the current user, you would need to use GroupChannelListQuery class. The get() function of GroupChannelListQuery retrieves the group channel list from the server and calls the listener once the result is available.

GroupChannelListQuery groupChannelListQuery = GroupChannel.createGroupChannelListQuery();
groupChannelListQuery.get(new GroupChannelListQuery.ResultHandler() {
  public void onResult(List<GroupChannel> groupChannelList) {
    // Group Channel List received.

Getting a Group Channel with ID

You may retrieve a particular group with the help of its ID by calling GroupChannel.get(). This function takes Group Channel ID as argument along with callback listener.

GroupChannel.get(CHANNEL_ID, new GroupChannel.GetListener() {
  public void onResult(final GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
    	// Group Channel retrieved successfully.

Inviting Participants to Group Channel

Already existing participants of the group channel can invite more users to join the channel.

GroupChannel.inviteParticipants(PARTICIPANT_IDs, new GroupChannel.InviteParticipantsListener() {
  public void onResult(ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Participants added successfully.
  • PARTICIPANT_IDs is an array of user_ids (string).
  • Please note that inviteParticipants() is a function of an instance of GroupChannel class.

Accept Invitation to Group Channel

Participants on getting an invitation to join a group channel need to accept the invitation to participate in the channel.

GroupChannel.acceptInvitation(new GroupChannel.AcceptInvitationListener() {
  public void onResult(GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Invitation accepted successfully.

Decline Invitation of Group Channel

Participants on getting an invitation to join a group channel can also decline the invitation.

GroupChannel.declineInvitation(new GroupChannel.DeclineInvitationListener() {
  public void onResult(ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Invitation declined successfully.

Leaving Group Channel

A participant of a group channel can leave the channel if she no longer wants to receive messages or notification from the channel.

GroupChannel.leave(new GroupChannel.LeaveListener() {
  public void onResult(ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Channel left successfully.

Sending Messages in Channel

A participant of a group channel can send two types of messages in it:

  • TEXT: a normal text message
  • ATTACHMENT: a binary attachment like image, document etc.

Sending Text Message

The sendMessage() function allows you to send a text message. You may use onSent() callback to check if the message has been successfully sent.

GroupChannel.sendMessage(MESSAGE, new BaseChannel.SendMessageListener() {
  public void onSent(Message message, ChatCampException e) {
    // Message sent successfully

You may also send additional properties like METADATA and CUSTOM_FILTER while sending a message as shown below:

GroupChannel.sendMessage(MESSAGE, METADATA, CUSTOM_FILTER, new BaseChannel.SendMessageListener() {
  public void onSent(Message message, ChatCampException e) {
    // Message sent successfully
  • MESSAGE - Text message which needs to be sent.
  • METADATA - Map where keys and values should be string. It may be used to store additional details about a message.
  • CUSTOM_FILTER - List<String> which can be used to categorize messages.

Sending Attachment

The sendAttachment() function allows you to send a file. The file will be first uploaded to the ChatCamp backend and will be then shared in the channel.

GroupChannel.sendAttachment(FILE, FILE_NAME, CONTENT_TYPE, new GroupChannel.UploadAttachmentListener() {
  public void onUploadProgress(int progress) {
    // Upload in progress

  public void onUploadSuccess() {
    // Upload in success

  public void onUploadFailed(Throwable error) {
    // Error while uploading file
    ChatCampException exception = new ChatCampException(error.getMessage(), "FILE UPLOAD FAILED");
  • FILE - Instance of File which has to be sent
  • FILE_NAME - Name of the file (String)
  • CONTENT_TYPE - File mime type (String)

Receiving Messages

In ChatCamp, ChannelListener is used to handle information from the server. This information can be a new chat message, new group channel created by some other user etc.

To receive message in a group channel, onGroupChannelMessageReceived callback of ChannelListener is used.

ChatCamp.addChannelListener(CHANNEL_LISTENER_ID, new ChatCamp.ChannelListener() {
  public void onGroupChannelMessageReceived(GroupChannel groupChannel, Message message) {
    // New message is received

Retrieving Previous Messages

Previous messages of a group channel can be retrieved. It can only be retrieved by participants of the group channel.

PreviousMessageListQuery previousMessageListQuery = channel.createPreviousMessageListQuery();

previousMessageListQuery.setReference(REFERENCE); //Optional
previousMessageListQuery.setSortBy(SORT_BY); //Optional

previousMessageListQuery.load(LIMIT, REVERSE, new PreviousMessageListQuery.ResultListener() {
  public void onResult(List<Message> messageList, ChatCampException e) {
    // List of messages received
  • LIMIT - The number of messages to be fetched. The maximum limit is 100.
  • REVERSE - If the messages should be fetched in reverse chronological history. In most of the cases, its value will be TRUE.
  • REFERENCE is the reference message_id. Messages older than this message_id will be loaded. In case to load most recent messages, pass REFERENCE as null.
  • SORT_BY means to sort the list by most recently sent or most recently updated messages. Possible values are PreviousMessageListQueryFilter.SORT_BY_INSERTED_AT or PreviousMessageListQueryFilter.SORT_BY_UPDATED_AT.

Sending Typing Indicators

Typing indicators can be shown in chat using functions startTyping() and stopTyping(). These are functions of instance of GroupChannel class.

GroupChannel.get(CHANNEL_ID, new GroupChannel.GetListener() {
  public void onResult(final GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Group Channel retrieved successfully.

Receiving Typing Indicators

Typing indicators sent by other users in the group channel can be handled using ChannelListener functionality of ChatCamp SDK. For Typing indicator, onGroupChannelTypingStatusChanged may be used. It is similar to receiving messages as illustrated in the above section.

ChatCamp.addChannelListener(CHANNEL_LISTENER_ID, new ChatCamp.ChannelListener() {
  public void onGroupChannelTypingStatusChanged(GroupChannel groupChannel) {
    // groupChannel.getTypingParticipants();

Read Receipt

Current user can mark all messages of a group channel as read by calling function markAsRead() of GroupChannel class.

GroupChannel.get(CHANNEL_ID, new GroupChannel.GetListener() {
  public void onResult(final GroupChannel groupChannel, ChatCampException e) {
    if(e == null) {
      // Group Channel retrieved successfully.